Journal entry for August 18, 2001Today's summary: Maple shadowbox, photos (sort of).Finally got some photos! As an example, here is the 12 by 12 by 3 inch shadowbox with an 8 inch butterfly sculpture. (I dummied up these photos digitally so it looks like one of my bugs is actually in the shadowbox.) The shadowbox can hang on a wall, lay flat, or stand up on end -- your choice. Here's the basic description and list of features.
I found a place that sells adhesive-backed velvet... it's used to line the inside of telescopes, so, I figure it'll definitely give me the light-eating look I want. The first ever shadowbox (before this one) will always have a special place in my heart, because I worked on it with my Dad. Not to mention it was the first group shadowbox, too... and my first really serious collectors have it...
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