Journal entry for September 12, 2001Today's summary: Blood and sharks, and life-saving Krispy Kremes.Blood and sharks.I finally got to donate blood today, because I got there REALLY early. Also did a little volunteer work, running forms to and from the end of the line before I finally sat down myself. In line I was chatting with this Russian lady, very friendly person, and I made a comment that was probably rather obnoxious of me: "Well at least the news will stop talking about sharks!". My point being -- with all this recent shark-attack hype, people are chumming the water and trying to catch them more than usual, and the chum is sure to attract sharks to the shore, which is sure to increase shark attacks. That whole issue had me annoyed for a while, a few weeks back. Anyway, so... the lady I said that to tells me rather excitedly, "*I* got attacked by a shark! Look at this scar!" and showed me. I was really taken aback for a second, and then I said, "I'm a marine biologist. That's... kinda cool actually, lemme see..." Really big scar too, she said it was a tiger shark and they estimated it was about 12 feet long. As a result we had this long, overexcited conversation about sharks, shark attacks, the whole almost-funny story of how she got from the ocean to the hospital, et cetera. She was QUITE well informed and not overly paranoid about sharks, which was refreshing. I'm sure we annoyed all the people around us in line considering the subject matter... but in retrospect, I think we were both absolutely thrilled to have something other than terrorism to talk about for a couple of hours. After donating I went home, tried to do some work, tried to sleep, tried to work again... Lather, rinse, repeat. I've been SO stir crazy, as if I have to do something, anything. Life-saving Krispy Kremes.People were swapping positive stories related to Tuesday, so here's mine. Not that it's really MY story, I just heard it from one of his relatives, but still. I have to admit I found this story almost funny in a way... if only because of the "Saved by a Donut" theme. This guy was on his way to work, and he passed a Krispy Kreme donut shop. "Hmm," he thought to himself, "I really want a donut... but, no, I have to get to work." So he continues onward to his office on the 91st floor of the World Trade Center. Gets himself some coffee, sits at his desk. But -- he's still obsessing over Krispy Kremes. He finally gives up and goes back downstairs to get a donut. Krispy Kreme in hand, he's walking back towards the building, and then well... you know the rest of the story. After I heard that story, I felt like going out and buying a donut. Just a few weeks ago, as a joke, I was telling a friend of mine who'd never had one before that "Krispy Kreme donuts are proof that there is a God"... that's probably why I find this story funnyish. Or maybe it's just my desperate need for humor right now.
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