Journal entry for October 19, 2001Today's summary: Name that tune.My friends and I were playing "name that tune" online, via song lyrics. Here's the refrain of one of my current fave songs. Can you guess what song it's from? I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad If you want to read the full lyrics and/or check your guess, I'll give you the link. Also there's a few cursewords in the lyrics, but if you can deal with all those caveats... read the lyrics here. My brother and I are convinced that that song touches on many aspects of creativity -- about having a very pushy "muse". This particular song is about a drummer, but really it could apply to any artist. The drummer's "muse" is singing. We think the refrain above refers to the mood people get when they have the artistic equivalent of "writer's block"... knowing you have the potential and knowing that even if you can't do something with it right now, that this time will pass into productivity again. What do you think? The video is at the bottom of the linked page. If you want to, you can also hear the song as a MP3. I'm not sure how long that link will work, though.
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