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Journal entry for December 3, 2001

Today's summary: Back to the daily grind...

After getting basically NO sleep last night thanks to this ear problem, I'm back at work. Ugh. If I'd been able to sleep right, I wouldn't have had any jet lag problems, I would have been totally fine today... but... no.

I called the doctor's office and they want me to come in right away, but, they don't actually have time to see me till tomorrow morning. So, I made the appointment. We'll see how that goes. I still don't even know for sure if my eardrum is ruptured or not.

After work I went to visit my parents and told them all about my trip, then I met up with my friends and my brother and told THEM all about my trip. I'm basically trying to ignore my ear even though it affects me the most when I talk. Or eat. Or sleep, or do pretty much everything actually. Waaah, I'm all whiny and tired!

At least I can finally update my journal. I've been looking forward to that.

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