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Journal entry for December 3, 2002:
Journaling again... and a fish, and stuff.

I'm still not used to journaling regularly. I really want to get back into it.

The Boom Boom Huck Jam was great, but I still haven't removed the photos from the camera. I will soon, and when I do, they'll be posted in that day's journal entry.

Speaking of photos, here's a link to a few more of my photos: Halloween and the Renaissance Faire(s). That's flyingcar as Dracula, me carrying a bee around, another pic of me, and Dan in tights. (That's kind of like "Men in Tights", only even more amusing.)

As for the promised fish, it was a test drawing on watercolor paper using water-soluble crayons:

Fishy test.

I did the drawing, then sprayed lightly with water. I used a tissue to soak up some of the overly-mixed muddy portions, with this result. I might do some more experiments in this vein, not sure... if I do, I'll post.

I've been all moody lately. I have to keep going with my journal and my artwork! It's therapeutic! On the upside, Thanksgiving was really nice... lots of relatives over, and my aunt and uncle bought two of my insect sculptures: the scythe butterfly and a bullet-toed tarantula.

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