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Hypnotic cat art, finished!

Journal entry for Sept. 6, 2003

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As I belabored in yesterday's entry, I've been working on my new art experiment... and, it worked! :D Take a look at these pics...

(Click each for a larger view)

Click for a larger view.Click for a larger view.

I'm SO HAPPY with how this turned out. flyingcar really likes it -- he's been overcome by the kitty's sheer hypno-powaa. So, I will give him this one, so it can stare at him every day and warp his mind.

I'll probably make another one tomorrow that I can actually sell. That is, assuming I find time in between packing and telecommuting and such.

Other than stapling and lacquering this cat one, I spent a goodly chunk of the day telecommuting, so there's not much else to say right now. I am already starting to feel better, so hopefully this sickness is downgrading quickly!

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