Meme from ! Pick 10 fictional characters you'd have sex with.

I'm going to cheat and list more than ten, in no particular order. I'm totally ignoring the fact that some of these guys are just as taken as I am. For those of you wondering, yes, I asked A. for advice on this list. :)

h.h Alucard from Castlevania X. He's so bishy! And he has a sexy voice. Awwyeah.
h.h Jason Bourne, movie version. So spookily competent yet all emotionally vulnerable. Awwwwwr.
h.h Mani from Brotherhood of the Wolf. Another kickass hottie. How can I say no? His friend here is cute too.
h.h The Count of Monte Cristo, movie version. So cute. So diabolical and driven! Myeheheh.
h.h Practically every Johnny Depp character. If I have to pick one, this is Roux from Chocolat.
h.h Morritz from the Red Violin. Considerate, scholarly, and willing to stoop to thievery for a noble rescue. I dig. Being a total babe doesn't hurt either. I was considering pulling S.L.J. from Caveman's Valentine instead because I like his dreads, but... I prefer some degree of sanity.
h.h Doc Brown from Back to the Future. Need I say more?
h.h Jareth from Labyrinth. He's all bishy and frustrated and smirky, all at the same time. He could use a little "Vitamin J" fer shure.
h.h Jack Shaftoe from Stephenson's Baroque Cycle trilogy. Preferably the System of the World version, so he's saner and less syphilitic. Of course, he's still castrated... but hey, I can deal with a challenge.
h.h Justin from Secret of NIMH. Heroic and goofy! Okay, so he's not my species. But I had a huge crush on him when I was younger. Too bad I'm not an animated rat.
h.h Puss from Shrek2. He's not my species either, but... I AM a cat person. *innocent smile*
h.h Lo Pan from Big Trouble in Little China. Just in case all the other guys are busy that day...