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Journal entry for Wednesday, June 20, 2001

Today's summary: Bracelet didn't work out.

It had a wire core, and the silver clay kept cracking during firing due to shrinkage. I tried filling the cracks with more PMC, but no luck... I MAY be able to save it by wrapping it completely in the PMC paper stuff. We'll see though, I'm not counting on it. I keep thinking that maybe if the PMC had been a little thicker or somethig, it might've been okay. Or if the wire had been smooth instead of twisted strand, maybe it could've just slid as it shrunk instead of breaking... I don't know. *sigh* I guess I'll recycle the number if I really can't save it.

Don't have much else to write today. Work has been really busy, and I'm going to be in training Thursday and Friday. It might be very elementary and basic training but it's always good to get new perspectives about web-friendliness.

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