Journal entry for August 30, 2001Today's summary: Unreal Estate fan art.I'm a little surprised I haven't written about this before, but, I glanced over my previous entries and I guess I haven't. My brother, Stefan is a talented fiction writer. Go drop by his homepage sometime, he has stories posted you can read for free. A lot of his earlier work is anime-inspired fanfiction, but, he has been gravitating more and more towards original stories lately. One such original story is Unreal Estate, which he hasn't started writing yet, but he has their multiverse and characters all fleshed out. I'm really looking forward to it and apparently, so is he. I won't bother trying to describe it, just read it for yourself once he starts posting it! He doesn't charge people for his stories (yet?), but he does make a little money off of t-shirts, mousepads, mugs, and random donations. So, as a result -- the more fan art he's given permission to use, the more 13w7 ("loot") he'll have for his other fans to perhaps buy. So. I'm going to be drawing as much as I can for him to support his effort. Last night I did this drawing for him and colored it digitally. Her name is Meiko. He's looking for fanservicey art so... I have no problem with drawing her a little slinky. Heh. I also colored a series of character drawings that our friend "Myth" made, and collated them into a group shot, like this... Clockwise from left to right, that's Eiko (Meiko's little sister), Mallory (our mild-mannered male protagonist), Meiko (same character I drew above), Kisei (ex-military sniper), and front and center is Lorelei (My friends and I have been calling her "Darth Moll" as a joke).
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