Journal entry for August 31, 2001
Today's summary: A very strange phone message.
I dialed up my voicemail service today, to find this really strange
message. It sounded almost like somebody called me and left their
phone on... so I listened until I figured out what exactly I was
listening to. Once I realized, I laughed like a madwoman.
WARNING: This is a very huge MP3 audio file. It's about 4.4 megabytes,
and it could take a loooong time to download. It's pretty static-filled
and hard to hear, but I think you can still figure out what it is.
(I had to delete the file to save space, sorry!)
I didn't want to give any spoilers, so, AFTER you hear it, highlight
the text in the box below using your mouse to read my comments.
I didn't recognize the voice right away, but, that girl you
hear talking is me! I was in Busch Gardens this weekend with
some friends, and apparently when the lap bar went down on
this roller coaster, my cellphone auto-dialed home... as a
result, recording the audio of the entire coaster ride as
well as our comments afterwards.
I guess that's what key lock is for. What you're hearing...
- First, the "tink tink tink" of the lift hill and us all
- Screaming starts at 0:55
- A sudden stop at 2:05
- Waiting to get off, talking at 2:30+
- "Ahhh... my brainstem is in agony!" at 3:05
- Disembark from train at 3:23
- More commentary on the ride at 4:32 to the end
So was that fun to hear, or did I just waste your time and bandwidth?