Journal entry for September 2, 2001
Today's summary: Credit cards,, and PayPal.
Looks like it's finally become too tedious for my friends over
to take their commission, write checks, and send them out. So instead,
all my credit card transactions will be handled via PayPal
for website sales, and via Billpoint
(or PayPal) for any eBay listings.
So as a result, Art-Agent won't be taking a commission anymore.
Instead I'll be paying a small fee to PayPal. I did a test, billing
myself at a different address to see just how convenient (or inconvenient)
it is for somebody who doesn't have a PayPal account. I think it'll
work out all right.
Billpoint looks interesting, more insured maybe, but it's only
applicable if I sell my stuff directly through Ebay, apparently...
I'll have to doublecheck and see if there's a way to just issue
a bill.