Journal entry for September 14, 2001Today's summary: Terrorism-related art plans.I posted this on wetcanvas.com in response to fellow artists discussing work they were creating as a memorial, tribute, or just to get out the feelings they've been having as a result of Tuesday's tragedy. As artists... as people, actually... We will all find ways to express how we're feeling, and to express sympathy. Maybe visually through gestures like this, or through our artwork... maybe in some other way, like helping out somehow if we feel able. I wish everyone smoothness as you all do whatever you have to do, in order to heal as much as you can. My own plans? This is probably going to sound really gross and weird... well. Maybe not to some of you who've seen my sculpture before. After I went to donate blood the other day, I went home, peeled off the bandage, and let a little more of the blood drip into a small glass vial. After it dries, I'll make the glass vial into the abdomen of one of my insect sculptures. And that's the same blood that will probably be helping one of the injured people, soon enough. Blood and steel wings, flight, it all kind of ties together in my mind... When I'm all done I'll have this as a kind of testament to that day's events, and the days that followed, and the people. I guess I just feel like I have to make something directly connected. It makes everything more real, somehow.
© 1996-2010 Jen Gagne jen@beware-of-art.com |