Journal entry for September 30, 2001Today's summary: My jaunt to the Maryland Renaissance Festival. "You are the cheese."Renfaire.(Arrgh, I lost this whole entry due to a file saving mistake... well... I'll retype it again. Mumble grumble mumble...) I woke up later than I was supposed to, yet earlier than usual, so I could go to Maryland Renaissance Festival with flyingcar today. We picked up his friend Liz on the way there and met up with some other friends of theirs after arriving. It was fun to hang out with them even though I don't know any of them well at all (well, except flyingcar). flyingcar is a real cloakaholic, and the lady he usually buys them from had a booth at the festival. So, he was scheduled to pick up a brand new cloak from her, a nice black one. It was a pretty chilly day, so he convinced me to wear one of the other cloaks he'd brought with him, over my coat. (I admit, it didn't take much convincing, even if my sneakers looked totally out of place.) Liz had one of his cloaks on, too. So we were just this walking, talking advertisement for cloaks from "The Purple Unicorn". After flyingcar picked up his cloak we went wandering and generally had fun shopping, gawking at random people, etc... flyingcar finally broke down and bought this black hat with black and white feathers on it... it looked VERY rakish with his cloak, just perfect. Plus flyingcar has dark hair and a goatee and so on, so it was all very appropriate and amusing, I got a real kick out of it the whole time. Too bad he can't really get away with wearing that hat anywhere else! "You are the cheese."While I was there, I went to a fortune teller and he told me a bunch of vague stuff. There were a few interestingly-relevant points, but, nothing really amazingly accurate. What really stands out in my mind is the statement "You are the cheese". Yep, that's a psychic observation I'll take to heart! Overall it was fun and pseudo-authentic enough to be amusing. I'm not as much a stickler for that kind of thing as my friend Josh is. flyingcar wants to go back again some other weekend. Maybe I'll break down and make a costume for next year (any excuse to dress funny is a good excuse). I might get some photos from flyingcar at some point. If so, I'll post them.
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