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Journal entry for October 29, 2001

Today's summary: More info on bullets for sculpture.

Just got more info in email via my "ballistic collaborator". Here's the photo from yesterday, for reference:

Click for a larger view.

According to Tom...

From far right to left, the bullets are: 30 caliber Nosler Ballistic Tip (green tip), the next 2 are 44 caliber bullets, 223 Nosler Balistic Tip (purple tip), 25 auto (the baby of them all), 338 Winchester with lead tip, and 223 full metal jacket.

Then, the empty brass and loaded cartridges are (right to left): 243 Winchester, 30 M1 Carbine, 357 Magnum, 380 auto, 4-40 Winchester (this is the first of the pistol cases), 45-70 Govt., the next empty case is 338 WInchester, the next one is the largest empty case and that is a 300 Weatherby (those tend to cost a bit more than the rest), 223 Remington, 30-06, and the last case with copper bullet w/red tip is a 280 Remington.

Since I flipped the photo 180 degrees, hopefully I translated his explanation correctly from the former left-right to the new left-right (make sense?).

As previously mentioned, I'm unnecessarily overexcited about the prospects.

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