Journal entry for October 31, 2001Today's summary: A group show at a gallery in L.A.!Despite my previous rantings about how to approach a gallery, I hadn't done so yet -- I didn't feel that my slides were really up to par. As you know if you've been following my journal, I've been trying to get better slides using a digital camera. So, even though I wasn't actively seeking it, a great opportunity has been dropped in my lap -- a show organizer for a gallery in L.A. saw my website, and she liked my work so much that she invited me to participate in nature-themed group show! The show would run for three months, and it would be my work plus that of seven other artists. She needs 6 to 8 (preferably 8) pieces at her gallery by November 23rd. So I have to get cracking, frame some of my good current work, perhaps make a few new pieces... everything I had for sale right now, I've put on hold, so if I need it I'll have it available for the show. I'm also trying to make arrangements to fly out there for the gallery opening... she says she also knows some other gallery owners she'd love to refer me to. I'm not sure I can afford to stay out there that long though... but either way, this is just such an incredible opportunity, I can't even describe how psyched I am. When it rains, it pours -- everything at work is SO busy it's unreal, and I'm busy at home, and my parents are moving... and now gallery show prep in the middle of all this. Oy vey. At least this is something positive. I'll be sure to send details about the show to my mailing list. If you're not on it already and you like my work, please consider adding yourself to the list? I'm in a rush right now, so I have to keep this entry short and stop now. This probably means my journal entries will be a bit more sporadic over the next couple of weeks, but I'll still come back later with photos of new work and so on as soon as I possibly can. Oh and by the way -- Happy Halloween! :)
© 1996-2010 Jen Gagne jen@beware-of-art.com |