Journal entry for December 5, 2002:
More cartoony portraits, and SNOW!
As a continued exercise in adorableness, I did a cartoony portrait
of my brother Twoflower (Stefan). Here he is with me.

It's snowing today, so I couldn't resist
drawing another one:
If I come up with any others by the end of the day,
I'll post them here. But for now... I must go telecommute!
Later... Here's another one, as predicted.
This is my friend Josh, wearing his Mr. Whippy t-shirt. I advise
you don't ask about the sword, for your own personal safety.

And, here's my friend flyingcar. Aside
from the Q-bert shirt, he looks like a D&D thief with the cloak
and all those bags at his belt!
flyingcar with his chibi-cloak." border="0">
All right, enough cute goofiness for
one day. I'm going to bed!
