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Journal entry for January 18, 2003:
Mini fish drawings, paintings, and the NSO.

I've been working on some really tiny (2 by 2 inches) drawings / paintings using black ink, and I've done a LOT of them... so, I'm going to post them in groups by species, each day. Here's my fish.

Click each for a larger view.

Click for a larger view.Click for a larger view.Click for a larger view.Click for a larger view.

I plan to start selling these on eBay starting at a really low price, like $1 or $5 for the opening bid. However, these four sold the same day I made them, to the first person I showed them to! This is encouraging. :D To see more paintings like these, visit my new Mini Gallery.


In other news, today I went with flyingcar and his family to a performance in the Kennedy Center by the NSO. It was GREAT, because we had the perfect seats -- directly behind and above the orchestra. Now, I'm sure a real music aficionado would disagree because the sound must be different there... but, it was well worth it to see the conductor's expression only a few feet away, and to see how he communicated with the performers.

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