Journal entry for January 17, 2003:
Firefly lamp, firefly artwork
While I was MIA from the computer, I have been working on a custom
firefly lamp proposal for a collector. Something a tad safer than
my usual bladed variety of bug, since it won't be ensconced in a
mutually protective case.
The sketches are pretty icky since I used PowerPoint to make them...
I'll use the excuse that my computer was dead, I had to make do
with someone else's.
Basically the idea is, have one larger firefly with a lamp for
the glow, and a mobile of smaller fireflies. So, I came up with
a lamp proposal, using a torchiere...

I also sketched out a Calder-style balanced mobile,
like so:

The mobile wouldn't be as electrically-oriented...
I would use glow plastic for their tail lights, instead.
It's still up in the air (hah! pun!) how this project
will end up, but sooner or later I'm sure I will be making a wider
variety of fireflies and firefly related projects. I have an intrinsic
love of fireflies, I am a big fan of glow plastic, and I just acquired
some motion-sensitive blinking LEDs that could be fun. They blink
blue for about 30 seconds when triggered by motion, and then they
stop. I would have to make a design that can be shaken or tapped
or something without suffering ill effects, and held without slicing
up the owner. I don't plan to move away from using blades and other
dangerous items in my work. I'm just Diversifying.
I also modified a flashlight to accept a LED instead
of the old battery-eating filament bulb. Previously it only lasted
a few hours on one set of batteries, but, flashlights modified in
this way reportedly burn for at least ten days straight now and
still have a readable quantity of light! Plus, the LEDs last a lot
longer than regular bulbs. I tried leaving it on overnight and I
couldn't see any difference in how much light it's putting out.
I'm very excited about it all.
Good thing my muse is starting to hang out with me again. I was
starting to think she left me when I had to leave my husband...