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I'm moving in two weeks! New apartment.

Journal entry for Sept. 4, 2003

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I've been living with my parents for the last year and a half, since all the $ associated with the divorce put a dent in my finances for a long time, and I was trying to pay down debt...

But, in a couple of weeks I'll finally move out to an apartment! Yay! The place is only a couple of miles away, which is good for visiting my family (if they need help, or just for fun). And, flyingcar's parents live only a couple miles in the other direction, so it's real convenient. :)

I've been packing like a madwoman. Thankfully flyingcar's been helping. The whole process is eerily reminiscent of moving out when I left Orlando, but, I'm too excited about this to let that get me down very often. Besides, this is much easier, since I'm not culling out much junk to throw away this time. The upside of leaving most of my old furniture behind for Orlando is that now I get to buy new stuff (or is that a downside? Mmm, money...)

Even though all I really need is two beefy guys and a truck, I'm going to have to hire movers. As I said in the previous entry -- not many local friends. flyingcar and I aren't buff enough to move all this stuff ourselves, and I don't want my Dad trying to lift anything... particularly since he'll be helping me assemble all this new furniture.

Icky icky ptang

Regarding TODAY, I am home sick and decidedly miserable... I was hoping to make it to work this afternoon, but it doesn't look like that's happening either. The nausea is unusual, so, I guess it's more than just my usual digestive issues... This had better be some kind of short term 24 hour thing! Grr! I had originally thought it was holdover from wearing myself down at Busch Gardens last weekend, but I guess I was wrong...

... and I'm supposed to give blood on Saturday! Maybe I'd better not... even though they're down to 47 units of my blood type for the entire Washington-Baltimore area. :(

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