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Still busy! and Quicksilver

Journal entry for Sept. 24, 2003

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Though I still eagerly plan to meet my stated goal of having some auctions and buy-it-now items in my eBay store by Friday, I've been very busy with other things.

For one thing, wrapping up my move will probably take another full week, I'm sure. There's way too many cardboard boxes sitting around for my taste.

AND, I am helping my Mom get the house fixed up (particularly my old room and bathroom) in preparation for her foot surgery next week. She's going to have some cleaning people come in, which should help her, but it'll be a long recovery and so I'll basically be on call for the immediate future. I just cleaned the bathroom to surgical-sterile perfection last night, and I'm taking 2 hours off work this afternoon to keep going, so I can get key things done there.

flyingcar's been helping a LOT, which is always great! Still, I hope we get some free time soon. He got me flowers the other day, which was very sweet and helped alleviate my moving and aquarium-related frustrations. It was a nice little housewarming. (Can that be a noun? "A housewarming"? Or was that a verb? Whatever...)

Last but certainly not least, the new Neal Stephenson book is out, Quicksilver. Since I was such a fan of the original Cryptonomicon, I had its prequel Quicksilver sent overnight from (heh). BUT, I can't sit and read it endlessly, not till I wrap up helping at my parents' house. I'm unduly thrilled that Quicksilver is the first book in a set of three, and that the next one comes out in April instead of years from now...

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