Journal entry for August 15, 2001Today's summary: Godzilla vs. Dobsonfly. Go Gojira!My friend Malarkey posted on our artist's forum, WetCanvas, asking us if we'd ever seen a particularly huge and weird bug before. She included a photo for reference. Unfortunately, others answered her question before I even got there (oh the tragedy, a missed smartass opportunity! alas!)... but, I saw Mal in the chatroom later and we were joking around about that bug. So, I put my Photoshop skills to work... and... Go Gojira! Yaaay! Kick that bug's butt! Wait a minute, I like bugs. Maybe I shouldn't be cheering Godzilla on... Boy, I sure am in a weird mood today. Can you tell? Music du jour: "Mosura tai Gojira", by Akira Ifukube. P.S.: I admit it, they're fighting in Hong Kong instead of the more traditional Tokyo. But hey, gimmie a break, it was a five minute project!
© 1996-2010 Jen Gagne jen@beware-of-art.com |