Journal entry for January 8, 2003:
As my web friends and journalfolk will know, I've been MIA (again) for a few days. But, this time it's not merely a lack of writing -- the partitioning on my hard drive croaked, and killed my operating system... so... we ended up having to wipe everything and start from scratch. Thanks to my brother and Josh for helping me out with that'un.
I lost a ton of data (all but 18 diskettes worth), but it's probably for the best. This computer had a lot of old stuff on it (games, settings) from when I was sharing it with Orlando, and I was never sure what I could clear off and what I shouldn't. Now it's ALL cleared out, no choice about it.
Unfortunately, I also lost all the digital master copies of some of my recent work. Digital fan art, PSDs of graphics I use on my website, things like that. A lot of my digital artwork is archived safely on CDs, but, the digital bug photos are all gone. Hopefully I won't need those later, since they're a year old now anyway, and I'm moving Onward and Upward and stuff.
Basically, I'm trying really hard to see this as a positive thing. And, meanwhile, I'm reinstalling all my drivers and software.
Since I've been MIA for days and distracted for weeks now, I want to take a few days to catch up on my friends' LiveJournal entries.